At-Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Kaiser Permanente Collaboration Research Study

We have recently begun a collaboration with Kaiser Permanente Washington to examine the reach of a pilot home blood pressure measurement outreach program. This project is examining the research of the secure email program by patient characteristics (e.g., age, sex, race/ethnicity) and clinic characteristics (e.g., clinic size, clinic region) and evaluating patient perception of the secure email program (e.g., usability, acceptability, experience of care). I have helped design planned interviews, will lead on conducting those interviews, and will lead on analysis of resulting data

Patient-Provider Collaboration with Personalized Self-Tracking in Migraine Research Study

This project is examining the design, development, and evaluation of a highly-personalizable mobile app for self-tracking of symptoms, potential contributors, and treatments by patients with migraine. In collaboration with the University of Washington Headache Clinic, the team's prior research has found that many self-tracking applications emphasize detailed data collection but fail to account for how data is likely to be used by a patient or their provider. This commonly results in high burdens of tracking irrelevant data that can lead to low engagement or abandonment, but can also lead to breakdowns when tracked data does correspond to the goals of a patient or their provider. The team has proposed a design strategy for self-tracking applications that explicitly represents patient and provider goals for self-tracking data, using that representation to scaffold appropriate choices in what data to track and how to analyze and visualize collected data


I was accepted to attend and awarded travel funds to attend Grad Cohort Workshop for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Leadership Skills (IDEALS) in March 2022 and Grad Cohort Workshop for Women in April 2022.

Technology Support for a Self-Management Intervention in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Depression Collaboration with UW Nursing School

This project is addressing the design of a mobile app for supporting an evidence-based self-management intervention in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and depression. In collaboration with a team from the University of Washington School of Nursing, I led on analyzing data from 8 interviews of patients in a pilot study of the app. The team had designed and developed the app, then found low usability and engagement in their pilot deployment, but were unsure how to attribute those findings. My interview analyses identified a mismatch in assumptions about patient experiences with their irritable bowel syndrome, wherein the app design assumed an individual was new to the self-management intervention but patient participants already had significant experience managing their irritable bowel syndrome. Patient participants therefore did not engage the intervention because they found the technology support inflexible with regard to variability in existing individual understanding of the intervention. Based on these results, we intend to conduct follow-up interviews and design sessions to examine how patients could adapt such an intervention to their existing personalized understanding. We then also intend to prepare a manuscript based on this re-design process.

SCOPE Research Fred Hutch Collaboration Project

This project is addressing the design, development, and evaluation of a novel platform for technology-enhanced collaborative care in patients with cancer and depression, currently deployed in 5 urban and rural cancer centers. In collaboration with a multidisciplinary team from the University of Washington Department of Psychiatry and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, the UW Scope platform combines a web-based provider registry with a patient mobile application. The design of this platform is based in part on the team's prior research on breakdowns in co-occurring cancer and depression, which also informed development of the parallel journeys framework for understanding and designing for multiple patient journeys associated with co-morbid conditions.

Paper Publication: "Impact Of Social Gaming Platform And Community On University Student’s Mental Health During Covid-19"

As part of my Master's degree at Kennesaw State University, I led a collaboration between the Kennesaw State University BrainLab, the United in Gaming platform, and the Kennesaw State University Esports program. The project examined mental wellbeing in gamers playing social games amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. I hypothesized that, within gaming skill levels, player gaming motivation would correlate with player wellbeing. I led data collection and analysis combining pre and post gameplay collection of the Scale of Positive and Negative Experiences, post gameplay collection of the Player Experience and Need Satisfaction Scale, and facial expression analysis data obtained from video recording during gameplay.
This work was coauthored with Dr. Adriane B. Randolph and Dr. Sweta Sneha. I presented the findings at the NeuroIS Retreat 2021 and was accepted for publication Information Systems and Neuroscience.

Paper in Progress "Wearables"

I submitted a research paper on a preliminary findings "Vital monitoring Wearables and Communication Applications" for Initial Review to Health Information Technology Symposium (HITS). Updates and research pending/on hold.

First Publication

I completed my research and paper: “Using NeuroIS Tools to Understand How Individual Characteristics Relate to Cognitive Behaviors of Students” coauthored with Dr. Adriane B. Randolph, Dr. Kimberly Cortes, and Dr. Cassidy Terrell. Our paper was accepted into the Information Systems and Neuroscience. I also presented my findings at the NeuroIS Retreat 2020.

Collaboration with Motus Nova

At Kennesaw State University's BrainLab under Dr. Adriane B. Randolph I used EEG and Tobii Eye tracking to analyze perception of Motus Nova’s website with intentions to increase user buy in for their product line.

User Brand Preference Study

At Kennesaw State University's BrainLab under Dr. Adriane B. Randolph I used EEG and Tobii Eye tracking to analyze user brand preferences.

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